Relational Database Formats:



The formats used by Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) are universally binary and completely invisible to the user. Individual systems, based usually on proprietary software, are completely different internally, although extensive cross-walks between systems are possible via specific export utilities, or the use of spreadsheets. The principal relational software systems in use today are Oracle, IBM, Microsoft Access, Sybase and Teradata, but of course there are smaller competitors and even bespoke systems created by software authors especially for their own intended applications. This latter approach is used by Ocean Data View. The user is referred to the Relational Database Management Systems for a complete discussion of the technology

Microsoft Access (*.MDB)

This widely used format and system is often the first choice of scientists for small-scale data management projects, although creating the necessary relational model and putting together the necessary utilities and functions can be a huge job. Building onto (or adopting) existing applications is often the path of choice.

Ocean Data View (*.VAR, *.ODV)

These databases consist of a host of subsidiary files and folders when unzipped.