Metadata Tools:


Creation Tools

Metadata “toolkits” available to help create metadata. These tools can be stand-alone applications, internet applications, or integrated into geospatial applications. Tools may consist of commercial, open-source or self-developed systems and may also form part of operational GIS systems which can extract aspects of the metadata automatically from the data itself.

Metadata creation tools fall into several categories [1] :

There are a variety of free and commercial software tools available to support metadata development which offer a range of features and capabilities. The Wisconsin Land Information Clearinghouse has produced a summary of most of the known metadata tools used for documenting geospatial data and serving geospatial metadata.[2] The US FGDC has also prepared a review of available ISO Metadata Editors.[3]

GeoNetwork opensource

GeoNetwork opensource
GeoNetwork is a standards based geographic metadata catalogue system to manage spatially referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search functions as well as an embedded interactive web map viewer which can be used to visualize the data described by the metadata [4]. GeoNetwork supports the principle of “federated catalogues” used to query from one catalogue client metadata from different catalogues.

GeoNetwork features include:

GeoNetwork opensource is based on the principles of Free and Open Source Software and can be downloaded directly from the GeoNetwork website or through OceanTeacher's Marine Data Handling and Editing Tools.


  1. Understanding Metadata (NISO, 2004)
  2. Metadata Tools for Geospatial Data (WiscLINC)
  3. ISO Metadata Editor Review (FGDC)
  4. GeoNetwork opensource Community website