Marine XML:



The development of a Marine XML (also called MML) will support the tracking of data from collection through to the generation of of integrated global and regional datasets. MML can support the metadata describing the data collection, quality control and subsequent processing. The generation of data tagged with MML at the instrument level would provide the ability to automate such processes as generating of metadata descriptions. A number of international initiatives are currently in progress which will contribute to the development of the MML framework. These include:


IOC and ICES have jointly established the Study Group on the Development of Marine Data Exchange Systems Using XML (SG-XML). The Group is investigating how XML technology might best be used in an oceanographic context. From an IOC/IODE perspective, the requirement is to design a framework for an XML structure that data centres can use.

XML Brick concept

The XML brick concept, developed by R. Keeley of MEDS, employs a relatively small number of generally defined structures that can be assembled in different ways to reflect the structures of a variety of data collected over a broad spectrum of disciplines. This brick structure represents a basic building block for packaging data and metadata.

EU Marine XML Project

The aim of the EU Marine XML project is to demonstrate that XML technology can be used to improve the interoperability of data, specifically in support of marine observing systems. The project will develop an XML-based Marine Mark-Up Language (MML) to show the integration between MML and data supported by other established standards. It will specifically demonstrate how this MML approach supports data interoperability, widens data re-use and improves end-to-end data management in marine observing systems.