Marine Parameter Value Ranges:


Generalized Global Range Table

For educational purposes, and possibly as a source of "first guess" information, the following very simplified global range table is offered. Particularly for the first seven parameters listed below, the user should consult the depth-specific tables of the US NODC (see links below). All values quoted for the first seven parameters are taken from the US NODC tables, unless otherwise cited. Other values are gross generalizations from the open literature and/or published range tables. The upper end of ranges for some coastal areas or areas strongly affected by upwelling, river input, etc. can be much higher.

Parameter/Variable Units Minimum Maximum
Temperature, bulk C

-3 (Atlantic)

-3 (Pacific)

-1.5 (Indian)

0 (Mediterranean)

0 (Black Sea)

-2 (Baltic)

-3 (Persian Gulf)

10 (Red Sea)

-1.5 (Sulu Sea)

-3 (Arctic Area)

-3 (Southern Sea)

35 (Atlantic)

35 (Pacific

35 (Indian)

34 (Mediterranean)

30 (Black Sea)

25 (Baltic)

35 (Persian Gulf)

35 (Red Sea)

35 (Sulu Sea)

20 (Arctic Area)

15 (Southern Sea)

Temperature, sea surface C -2  from US NASA 45 from US NASA
Salinity (not including near-shore and near-ice values of zero)

20 (Atlantic)

25 (Pacific)

26 (Indian)

12 (Mediterranean)

10 (Black Sea)

1 (Baltic)

20 (Persian Gulf)

20 (Red Sea)

20 (Sulu Sea)

26 (Arctic Area)

26 (Southern Ocean)

40 (Atlantic)

40 (Pacific)

40 (Indian)

40 (Mediterranean)

40 (Black Sea)

35 (Baltic)

42 (Persian Gulf)

44 (Red Sea)

40 (Sulu Sea)

40 (Arctic Area)

40 (Southern Ocean)

Oxygen ml/dm3



Phosphate umol/dm3

0 (Atlantic)

0 (Pacific)

0 (Indian)

0.2 (Southern Ocean)

0 (Arctic Ocean)

3.6 (Atlantic)

3.8 (Pacific)

3.8 (Indian)

3.2 (Southern Ocean)

3.8 (Arctic Ocean)

Nitrate umol/dm3

0.01 (Atlantic)

0.01 (Pacific)

0.01 (Indian)

0.01 (Southern Ocean)

0.01 (Arctic Ocean)

48 (Atlantic)

56 (Pacific)

54 (Indian)

50 (Southern Ocean)

54 (Arctic Ocean)

Silicate umol/dm3

0 (Atlantic)

0 (Pacific)

0 (Indian)

0 (Southern Ocean)

0 (Arctic Ocean)

160 (Atlantic)

200 (Pacific)

180 (Indian)

160 (Southern Ocean)

120 (Arctic Ocean)

Nitrite umol/dm3 Under study
Under study


Chlorophyll ug/dm3 or mg/m3 0 from US NASA 64 from US NASA
0 150 M
Population density persons/km2 1 300
Wind speed (climatologies only)
m/sec 0

Precipitation, annual mm 0

Temperature, air C 0

Humidity, relative  % 0

Sediment thickness m 0

Diffuse attenuation coefficient (K490) m-1 0 from US NASA 6.4 from US NASA
Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) uEinsteins/m2/day 0 from US NASA
64 from US NASA