Marine Data Quality Control:


Quality control of data is an essential component of oceanographic data management. Data quality control information tells users of the data how it was gathered, how it was checked, processed, what algorithms have been used, what errors were found, and how the errors have been corrected or flagged. Without it data from different sources cannot be combined or re-used to gain the advantages of integration, synthesis, and the development of long time series.

Subsections of this article

[<>]  [<>] Pagename [<>] Short title [<>] Description
General Marine Data Quality Control General Marine Data Quality Control General QC This article contains a compilation of all data quality control volumes discovered during the survey process. Most are also discussed and used in the articles on specific parameter types. It also contains a few "data managment" volumes published for specific marine observing sytems
Marine Data Quality Flags Marine Data Quality Flags Quality Flags Numeric "tags" applied to datasets, as well as individual data, reflecting objective (and sometimes also expert subjective) evaluations of the "correctness" of the data.
Marine Parameter Value Ranges Marine Parameter Value Ranges Value Ranges none
Quality Control of Marine Current Data Quality Control of Marine Current Data Marine Current none
Quality Control of Marine Ecosystems Diversity Data Quality Control of Marine Ecosystems Diversity Data Marine Ecosystems Diversity Data none
Quality Control of Marine Genetic Biodiversity Data Quality Control of Marine Genetic Biodiversity Data Genetic Biodiversity Data none
Quality Control of Marine Species Diversity Data Quality Control of Marine Species Diversity Data Marine Species Diversity Data none
Quality Control of Marine Surface Temperature and Salinity Quality Control of Marine Surface Temperature and Salinity Surface T and S none
Quality Control of Marine Temperature-Salinity Profiles Quality Control of Marine Temperature-Salinity Profiles T-S Profiles none
Quality Control of Sea Level Data Quality Control of Sea Level Data Sea Level none
Quality Control of Surface Wave Data Quality Control of Surface Wave Data Surface Waves none
Quality Control of the World Ocean Database Quality Control of the World Ocean Database World Ocean Database none