International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE):



The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange Program (IODE) system of national data facilities was established in 1961 to:

"...Enhance marine research, exploration, and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States."

With the advance of oceanography from a science dealing mostly with local processes to one which is also studying ocean basin and global processes, researchers depend critically on the availability of an international exchange system to provide data and information from all available sources. Additionally, scientists studying local processes benefit substantially from access to data collected by other Member States in their area of interest. The economic benefit of obtaining data by exchange as opposed to collecting it oneself is huge.

The Objectives of the IODE Programme (updated through Recommendation IODE-XVIII) are as follows:

  1. to facilitate and promote the exchange of all marine data and information including metadata, products and information in real-time, near real time and delayed mode;
  2. to ensure the long term archival, management and services of all marine data and information;
  3. to promote the use of international standards, and develop or help in the development of standards and methods for the global exchange of marine data and information, using the most appropriate information management and information technology;
  4. to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network; and
  5. to support international scientific and operational marine programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organisations with advice and data management services.

IODE System Management

The IODE programme is managed by a committee (one of the IOC Subsidiary Bodies) consisting of:

IODE Activities

The IODE Programme is responsible for implementing a number of global and regional activities. These activities and projects are implemented by the IODE experts through their national oceanographic data centers or marine library, or through the IOC Project Office for IODE, or both.

Global Projects

IODE Global activities include:

Regional Projects

IODE regional programme focuses on capacity building related to oceanographic data and information management. The IODE has developed the ODIN capacity building model which is based upon the following principles:

  1. Linking training, equipment, operational support: provide not only equipment but also training as well as some financial support to operate the equipment and develop products;
  2. Regional context: focus on national requirements but also identify similar needs across a region and develop regional products and services that serve all participating countries in a region;
  3. Product and service oriented: do not develop data centers as isolated facilities but ensure these centers provide services and products that are needed by users;
  4. Multi-stakeholder approach: ensure that the project is driven by stakeholders as representatives of users and involve these stakeholders as much as possible in the governance of the project.

IODE regional capacity building projects include: