International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES):
The ICES Data Centre maintains various databases of oceanographic data (including CTD and bottle data), ecosystem data, environment data and catch statistics [2].
The ICES Working Group on Data and Information Management (WGDIM) has developed guidelines to assist those involved in the collection, processing, quality control and exchange of various types of (mainly) physical oceanographic data. These guidelines have been adopted by the ICES Data Centre and are recommended to the ICES Community [3]. These guidelines cover data collected from the following instruments: CTD, Moored ADCP, Moored Current Meter, Shipborne ADCP, Seasoar (Batfish), Surface (Underway), Water Level, XBT, Net Tow(Plankton), Surface Drifting Buoy, Profiling Float and Drifting Buoy, Discrete water sample, Multibeam echosounder data.
The ICES Data Centre is also responsible for various Oceanographic Data Management Software including the software for extracting Cruise Summary Reports (ROSCOP).