Directory Interchange Format:
The Directory Interchange Format (DIF) is a metadata standard used to describe Earth science datasets. The DIF standard is used to create records for the NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), an on-line system with information about Earth science datasets. The DIF standard has a total of 36 elements, including 8 mandatory elements. The mandatory elements are EntryID, Entry Title, Keywords, ISO Topic Category, Data Center, Summary, Metadata Name and Metadata Version. Some of the fields are text fields, others require the use of controlled keywords (sometimes known as "valids"). The DIF standard is compatible with both the ISO 19115 and CSDGM standards.
Entry_ID: ASAC_2372 Entry_Title: A comparative study on floral ecology between Malaysia and Antarctica Group: Personnel Role: INVESTIGATOR Role: TECHNICAL CONTACT Role: DIF AUTHOR First_Name: MASHHOR Last_Name: MANSOR Email: Phone: Fax: Group: Contact_Address Address: SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Address: UNIVERSITY SAINS MALAYSIA City: Gelugor Province_or_State: Penang Postal_Code: 11800 Country: MALAYSIA End_Group End_Group Discipline: EARTH SCIENCE Group: Parameters Category: EARTH SCIENCE Topic: BIOSPHERE Term: ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS Variable: COMMUNITY STRUCTURE End_Group Group: Parameters Category: EARTH SCIENCE Topic: BIOSPHERE Term: VEGETATION Variable: VEGETATION SPECIES End_Group ISO_Topic_Category: BIOTA Keyword: ANTARCTICA Keyword: ECOLOGY Keyword: FLORA Data_Set_Progress: PLANNED Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: 90.0S Northernmost_Latitude: 62.83S Westernmost_Longitude: 180.0W Easternmost_Longitude: 180.0E End_Group Location: ANTARCTICA Location: MALAYSIA Data_Set_Language: ENGLISH Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name:AU/AADC > Australian Antarctic Data Centre, Australia Data_Center_URL: Group: Personnel Role: DATA CENTER CONTACT First_Name: DATA OFFICER Last_Name: AADC Email: Phone: Fax: Group: Contact_Address Address: Australian Antarctic Division Address: Channel Highway City: Kingston Province_or_State: Tasmania Postal_Code: 7050 Country: Australia End_Group End_Group End_Group Group: Summary Preliminary Metadata record for data expected from ASAC Project 2372 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- This project aims to determine the physiological adaptations of algae to the extreme conditions of Antarctica. The major aim is to understand the effect of global changes such as temperature and ultraviolet radiation increases arising from the Antarctic ozone hole and to detect environmental changes in the Antarctic due to human activities. End_Group Group: Related_URL URL: Group: Description Public information for ASAC project 2372 End_Group End_Group IDN_Node: AMD/AU IDN_Node: CEOS Originating_Metadata_Node: GCMD Metadata_Name: CEOS IDN DIF Metadata_Version: Version 9.4 DIF_Creation_Date: 2003-05-26 Last_DIF_Revision_Date: 2005-02-07