Data Format Conversion Tools:
- List One contains all
of the conversion programs we recommend for use in OceanTeacher.
- If the program name in
List One is a link, it will take you to further
download and install information. These programs are online, but are not in
OceanTeacher itself.
- If the program name is not a link, then scroll down
the page to List Two
, where you'll find several links to special-situation software, or to
legacy software that was originally in the public domain but has disappeared
from all other known sites.
LIST ONE: Conversion Routes for Selected Formats
- ASC - ESRI gridded
ASCII format
- Convert ESRI gridded ASCII to other GIS formats
- Use
- Convert from HDF or NetCDF - Use
HDFView to convert
to TXT, then add an ESRI ASCII header manually with CMD file containing
COPY commands
- BMP - Bitmap
- See also Georeferenced images
- Convert to and from most other graphics formats
- Use
- Convert from GIF - Use
- BUFR (Binary Universal Format for Reporting) - Meteorological
format for observations, also used for satellite point data
- Convert to TXT, or Speed and Direction XYZ
files - Use Bufr2Asc
(but only for certain BUFR files; not a general
- CNV - SeaBird spreadsheet
- DXF - AutoCAD Data Exchange Format
- Convert to many other graphics formats - Use
- Convert to SHP - Use
- Convert to SHP - Use
- Convert to XYZ - Use
- DOS - Disk Operating System
(original Microsoft innovation for PCs; pre-Windows)
- Convert from UNIX (for ASCII files) - Open in
PFE and save as
- E00 - ESRI Arc/Info File Interchange Format
- Convert to all ESRI vectors and grids - Use
- Convert to SHP and grids - Use
- FLT - ESRI ArcGrid Binary
(single precision) with header HDR
- Georeferenced Images -
All using world files; internal tags are not universally accepted now
- Convert from TIF/TIFF - Use
GeoTIFF Examiner to
create a world file, or to convert internal tags to a world file
- Convert from BMP, GIF, JPG and TIF/TIFF - Use
Georeferencing Tool
- See also Georeferenced images
- Convert to and from most other graphics formats
- Use
- Convert to (non-compressed) BMP - Use
- Gridded ASCII, sensu latu
- All types with or without internal headers
- Convert from and to many ASCII and binary grid
types, tables, and image rasters - Use
- Convert from XYZ (i.e. grid the data) - Use
Saga or
- Convert to HDF - Use
HDF Browser
- Convert to subset - Use
Saga for re-sampling
- Convert U, V ESRI Arc/Info vector grids to XYZ
spreadsheets of Speed, Direction (for use with QuikGrid) - Use
- GRIB - Gridded Binary -
Official format for grids used by meteorological organizations; versions 1
or 2
- Gridded Binary, sensu latu
- Many types, with internal or external headers
- Convert from and to many ASCII grid types,
tables, XYZ and image rasters - Use
- Convert to subset - Use
Saga for re-sampling or clipping
- Convert to HDF - Use
HDF Browser
- HDF - Hierarchical Data Format
(HDF4, HDF4-EOS, HDF5 and HDF5-EOS are possible; most references here are
for HDF4; use caution when assuming you've found a method based on these
software, due to variants)
- Convert to and from many important formats; see the
HDF Group's list of utilities, below
- Convert from ENVISAT - Use
- Convert to HDF4 from XYZ, gridded ASCII,
gridded binary, or tables - Use
HDF Browser
- Convert to GeoTIF - Use
- Convert to TXT -
- Convert to ASC (ESRI ASCII grid) - Use
HDFView to convert
to TXT, then add an ESRI ASCII header manually with CMD file containing
COPY commands
- Convert to KML/KMZ - Use
- ICE - Formerly used for station data
- Contact the editors for further information; a large
family of obsolete formats and older-generation software is involved
- JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- See also Georeferenced images
- Convert to and from most other graphics formats
- Use
- JOS - Java OceanAtlas Spreadsheet
- KML/KMZ - Keyhole Markup Language
(Google hybrid combining vector type with auxiliary type; KMZ is really just
a zipped KML (including images) with a different name
- Convert from SHP vectors - Use
Saga - Look in OGR modules
- Convert from NetCDF grids, HDF grids or GRIB
grids - Use
- Convert from all geo-referenced images and
rasters - Use
- Convert to SHP vectors -
Saga OGR module currently available ,
but appears to give errors
- NetCDF - Network Common Data Form
- Convert to TXT - Use
- Convert to ASC (ESRI ASCII grid) - Use
HDFView to convert to TXT, then add an
ESRI ASCII header manually with CMD file containing COPY commands
- Convert to JOS (from Argo station format, not
grids) - use
Argo Data Explorer
- Convert to KML/KMZ - Use
- Convert to XYZ - Convert to CDL with
ncBrowse, then use
- PDS - ENVISAT format
for satellite data products
- PNG - Portable Network Graphic
(non-proprietary successor to GIF)
- See also Georeferenced images
- Convert to and from most other graphics formats
- Use
- Read Only - Restriction
often found on large downloads involving multiple folder and files
- SHP - ESRI Arc/Info Shapefile
- Convert from DXF and E00 - Use
- Convert from GRIB 1 or 2 - Use
- Convert from TXT/Table - Use
- Convert from VPF - Use
VPF Importer
- Convert to KML - Use
- TIF/TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
(georeferenced or not)
- See also Georeferenced images
- Convert to and from most other graphics formats
- Use
- Convert from HDF-EOS - to georeferenced - Use
- Convert unreferenced to referenced - Use
GeoTIFF Examiner
- TXT - Commonly text
tables, often with tabbed columns when the extension TSV can more properly
be used; data tables exported by Ocean Data View
- Convert to DOS - Open in
PFE, or any good ASCII editor, and save
as DOS
- VPF - Vector Product Format
- Convert to SHP - Use
VPF Importer
- XYZ - Basic 3-column
- Convert from CDL - Use
- Convert from gridded ASCII, gridded binary, and
many other grid/raster formats - Use
- Convert from ESRI ASCII U, V vector grids (to
Speed, Direction) - Use UV2SPDIR
- Convert from DXF - Use
- Convert from NetCDF - Convert NetCDF to CDL
ncBrowse, then use
- Convert to grid (many possible formats) - Use
Saga or
LIST TWO: Software Links Not Provided Above
- Bufr2Asc - BUFR to
ASCII Converter
- Unzip this file to the root level of C:
- This utility was first written by the
Netherlands Weather Service (KNMI) for converting ASCAT and QUIKSCAT
scatterometer ocean surface winds data to an ASCII table
- The source code was compiled for use on Windows
platforms by Alblas
- Anton Verhoef of KNMI made some corrections to the
included BUFR tables
- Phoenix Training Consultants (Brown) set up the
current configuration, which installs C:\Bufr2Asc and C:\bufr_tables on
your computer. The Bufr2Asc folder includes these command files (*.CMD):
ConvBufrScatWindsTo_TXT.cmd - Edit
this command file with the input and output filenames, and it will
cause Bufr2Asc to perform as the original KNMI authors intended,
i.e. a text table is created, but it is not in any "standard" format
ConvBufrScatWindsTo_SPD.XYZ_DIR.XYZ.cmd -
Edit this command file to include the input filename, but leave the
output filename exactly as it is. When you run the CMD file, pay
close attention to the on-screen directions. Running this command
file results in the creation of two ASCII files, SPEED.XYZ and
DIRECT.XYZ that can be used in any gridding program. If the
gridding program can create vector arrows (e.g. Surfer, QuikGrid),
then their use is self-explanatory.
- The folder C:\Bufr2Asc includes two BUFR
example files.
Save this file to any convenient folder and run it directly. Use only 8.3
filenames for input and output files.
Ancillary file that should be saved in the same folder with the EXE file
- GeoTIFF Examiner
- Converts simple TIF images to georeferenced form, by
either adding internal tags or by writing a world file; provided by
Mentor Software
- Copy this file to the desired location and run
it to install: GEOTIFFE.EXE
- Convert a pair of U and V current vector component
grids (in ESRI ASCII format) into a pair of XYZ files, where Z is speed
or direction; will run in Windows7 but not 64-bit machines; provided by
Phoenix Training Consultants
- Copy this file to the desired location, and run
directly: UV2SPDIR.EXE
- Use only 8.3 filenames, and place EXE file and data
files in the same folder.
- May require the use of
DOSBOX software to emulate a 32-bit
computer, depending on the operating system.
- VPF Importer
- Convert VPF libraries (particularly the Vmap series)
to ESRI shapes; provided by the US Geospatial Intelligence Agency
(formerly NIMA)
- Copy this file to the desired location and run
it to install: VPF_Importer.exe
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