Cruise Summary Report (CSR):



The Cruise Summary Report (CSR), previously known as ROSCOP (Report of Observations/Samples Collected by Oceanographic Programmes), is an established international standard designed to gather information about oceanographic data. ROSCOP was conceived in the late 1960s by the IOC to provide a low level inventory for tracking oceanographic data collected on Research Vessels.

The ROSCOP form was extensively revised in 1990, and was re-named CSR (Cruise Summary Report), but the name ROSCOP still persists with many marine scientists. Most marine disciplines are represented in ROSCOP, including physical, chemical, and biological oceanography, fisheries, marine contamination/pollution, and marine meteorology. The ROSCOP database is maintained by ICES.


ROSCOP data for most research cruises conducted in the North Atlantic area since the 1960s are available from the ICES Online ROSCOP Database. SeaDataNet also maintains a database for the Cruise Summary Report Inventory.

Sample CSR Record

This is an example of a CSR metadata record for the cruise for the Belgica in the North Sea - BELGICA CRUISE ST2006/26