1- Download Mt Mitchele Cruise data from Here.
2- Unzip data, Open 'Ctd_read.me' file using note pad, explore the data file structure.
3- Open Microsoft Exel, Create new workbook and rename it to 'HeaderFile'.
4- Paste the Hearder fields of CTD data into the Excel workbook first row
5- Copy the Header file of the first 5 data files into the Excel workbook.
6- Open the first five data file one by one in Wordpad, Clear the first line, Save then open them in Excel
7- Add a column at the begining of each data file workbook in Excel
8- Add a row at the beginning of each data workbook, and paste the header of data from 'Ctd_read.me' for column 2 to the end. Name the First column as 'ID'.
9- Fill all rows of each workbook with the Station No taken from each data file
10- Save each Excel workbook as CSV file.
11- Open ArcMap
12- Download the Persian Gulf Shape File From Here and add them to ArcMap.
13- Add all data files to the ArcMap
14- Display XY data from 'HeaderFile'. Don't forget to select Coordinate System.
15- Create a new Personal Geodatabse and rename it to 'PGGDB'.
16- Export the 'HeaderFile' to 'Leg1Stations' to 'PGGDB', and then remove it.
17- Export all data files into the 'PGGDB'.
18- Open 'Leg1Stations' Attribute Table.
19- Open 'Join and Relate -> Relate.
20- In the First Option Select 'StationID', in the Second option select the data file, in the third option select 'ID'
21- Go back to excel and merge all data files together, export it as CSV file, name it 'StationData'.
22- Add it to the ArcMap and then Export it to the 'PGGDB'.
23- Relate it to the Leg1Stations
24- Select a station, Open Relate Table -> Relate 1
25- The desired data of selected station will be shown
26- Select Create Graph. Draw Horizontal Line Graph, Select Temp as XField, SampleTime as YField.
27- Click Next, Choose Draw for Selected Data
28- Draw Graph for All Stations
29- Download Mt Mitchele cruise Header data from Here.
30- Add it to ArcMap, Export into the 'PGGDB'
31- Join it wit 'Leg1Stations'; choose 1= Leg, 2= MT, 3= Leg