1- Add Satellite image from Assalouyeh area to the ArcMap. Download satellite image from Here.
2- Open Layer Properties, Symbology. In RGB Composite define Display background Value as 0,0,0.
3- Download BEYRAM map from Here, and add it to ArcMap.
4- Right Click to BEYRAM map and Zoom to Layer
5- Open 'Georeferencing' toolbar.
6- Select 'Add Control Point' on Georeferencing toolbar, Click on the upper left corner of BEYRAM map.
7- Right ckick, Input X, Y
8- Enter X = 52.5, Y = 28.0
9- Repeat steps 7, 8 for the other three corners as X = 54, Y = 28; X = 54, Y = 27; X = 52.5, Y = 27 for UR, LR, LL corners respectively.
10- Double click on 'Layers' at the lagend and change the coordinate system to GCS_WGS_1984
11- Select 'Add Control Point' from Georeferencing tool.
12- Find a similar points of Beyram map on satellite image and click on satellite image. Repeat this Item for afew points.
13- Click on 'View Link Table' and delete the 4 first point.
15- repeat step 12 to find the best match between BEYRAM map and satellite image.
16- From 'Georeferencing toolbar' select 'Update Georeferncing'.
17- Click on Catalog on ArcMap (right side)
18- Open Folder Connection, over an approriate folder right click, select New -> Personal Geodatabase
19- On GUI select 'Point' geometry and set coordinate system as GCS_WGS_1984.
20- Start to edit the point layer. Add two arbitary points on map.
21- Right click on first point and select 'Edit Vertices' and then on new toolbar selct 'Sketch Properties'
22- Change X = 52.597, Y = 27.518
23- Repeat for the second point as X=52.672, Y=27.435
24- Open New Shape File Attribute Table
25- Add New Field, Name it 'Picture', Type as 'RASTER'
26- Start editing again.
27- click on Raster field and load 'Image63.jpg' and 'lipg.jpg' for point 1 and 2 respectively.
28- Stop and Save editing.
29- Select Identify tool for each point and take a look at images
30- Add new Feature Class of type Polygon to the Personal Geodatabase, dont forget to set the coordinate system
31- Start editing
32- Draw some desired features on this layer of type polygon
33- if your drawn polygons have overlaied, select the overed polygon, from editing menu select Clip.... Repeat this step for all polygons to get Topology. Save and stop edits
34- Add new Feature Class of type Line to the Personal Geodatabase, dont forget to set the coordinate system
35- Start editing and draw some desired features.
36- Open Topology toolbar, Select map Toplopy icon, and then Edit Topology icon. All feature lines will get topolgy automatically. Use the other topolgy icon to get some enhanced feature lines, if your drawn lines require.
37- Save Map.