1- Download Caspian Bathymetry Data from Here
2- Start ArcMap
3- Add Caspian Bathymetry Data to ArcMap
4- Right click on Caspian Bathymetry data and Display XY Data
5- Set approriate Latitiude and longitude Fields
6- Open ArcToolbox then Select 3D Analyst Tools > TIN Management > Create TIN
7- Specify "Depth" as 'Height_Field' and the other Parameters and create TIN
8- Symbolize the TIN
9- Download Caspian Shape data from Here
10- Add Caspian_Border to ArcMap and Symbolize it
11- Open ArcToolbox then Spatial Analysis Tools > Interpolation > IDW
12- Specify 'Z Value Field' as 'Depth' and create raster surface.
13- Repeat step 12 with Kriging, Natural Neighbor and Spline Method
14- Compare the Results of Interpolation
15- Open 3d Analyst Toolbar and Analyse surfaces
16- Open ArcToolbox then Spatial Analysis Tools > Surface > Hillshade and create a hillshade surface, symboloize it
17- Open Open ArcToolbox then Spatial Analysis Tools > Extraction > Extract By Mask. Trim Surface Raster with Caspian_Border
18- Open Open ArcToolbox then Spatial Analysis Tools > Surface > Contour. Create Contour Map Linear Objects.
19- Open Caspian_Bathymetry_Cntours to ArcMap and Compare it with the extracted contours from previous step.
20- Edit the objects from step 18
21- Download Caspian Etopo1 data from Here and add it to ArcMap
22- Open 3D Analyst Toolbar and create few arbittary transects from surface created in step 17 and Etopo1 (step 21) data