Temporal coverage: 13 April 2015 - present
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) “Percent of Potential Vegetation Light Use Efficiency (L4, 9 km Grid Cell Mean, Model Value-Added)” layer displays model-derived global daily average estimated percent of bulk environmental constraint to Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) conversion efficiency and vegetation productivity posted on a 9 km EASE-Grid 2.0. Light use efficiency is combined with three-pool soil decomposition algorithms within a terrestrial carbon flux model framework for estimating daily carbon fluxes and surface soil organic carbon stocks.
The SMAP spacecraft carries two instruments, a radar (active) and a radiometer (passive), that together make global measurements of land surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw state. It is useful for monitoring and predicting natural hazards such as floods and droughts, understanding the linkages between Earth’s water, energy and carbon cycles, and reducing uncertainties in predicting weather and climate.
References: SMAP L4 Global Daily 9 km Carbon Net Ecosystem Exchange
Data field: emult_mean