The Dams layer indicates the location of dams around the world. It is part of the Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD) Database, Version 1.01. The layer displays the dams primary uses: Not classified, Fisheries, Flood Control, Hydroelectricity, Irrigation, Navigation, Other, Recreation and Water Supply.

The Global Reservoir and Dam Database, Version 1 (Revision 01) contains 6,862 records of reservoirs and their associated dams with a cumulative storage capacity of 6,197 cubic km. The dams were geospatially referenced and assigned to polygons depicting reservoir outlines at high spatial resolution. While the main focus was to include all dams associated with reservoirs that have a storage capacity of more than 0.1 cubic kilometers, many smaller dams and reservoirs were added where data were available.

The layer can be viewed in Worldview/Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) and the data can be downloaded from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), which also provides other information, such as name of the dam and impounded river, primary use, nearest city, height, area and volume of reservoir, and year of construction (or commissioning).