
The Coastlines/Borders/Roads layer is a vector layer displaying global coastlines, country borders, first order administrative boundaries and major roads.

Coastlines/Borders/Roads information are gleaned from OpenStreetMap and Natural Earth.

Place Labels

The Place Labels layer is a vector layer displaying labels for countries, major cities, major water bodies and major national parks/protected areas.

Place Labels information are gleaned from OpenStreetMap and Natural Earth.


The Coastlines layer is a vector layer displaying global coastlines.

Coastlines information are gleaned from OpenStreetMap.

Land Mask

The Land Mask overlay layer is a representation of land in dark grey. It was created as a way to mask land-covered areas to focus only on areas of water.

The Land/Water Map was gleaned from OpenStreetMap.

Land/Water Map

The Land/Water Map base layer is a representation of land in dark grey and water in light grey. It was created to provide a neutral-colored base layer for context underneath the oftentimes more colorful overlays.

The Land/Water Map was gleaned from OpenStreetMap.