The OMI UltraViolet (UV) Erythemal Dose Rate layer displays the UV erythemal dose rate at local solar noon measured in units of mW/m2. The OMUVBd UV Erythemal Dose Rate is determined from the OMI retrieved measurement of the surface UV irradiance. Erythemal UV Exposure is a measure of the potential for biological damage due to solar ultraviolet radiation. OMI Erythemal Exposure is calculated using UV irradiance reaching the surface of earth (deduced from measured UV irradiance entering the atmosphere) and weighted by the model value of the susceptibility of Caucasian skin to sunburn (erythema).

The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Level-3 UV (OMUVBd) product provides daily gridded global coverage with a temporal resolution of 1 day, imagery resolution of 2 km and sensor/algorithm resolution of 1.0 x 1.0 degrees.

References: OMUVBd README; DOI: 10.5067/Aura/OMI/DATA3009