The OMI Ozone (TOMS-Like) layer indicates the total ozone column and is measured in Dobson Units (DU). The OMTO3 product is one of two total ozone products provided by the OMI instrument and is calculated using the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Version-8 algorithm using UV radiance measurements 317.5 and 331.2 nm. The TOMS data record goes back 25 years and this layer provides continuity to that data record.

The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Level-3 total ozone product (OMTO3e) product provides daily gridded global coverage with a temporal resolution of 1 day, imagery resolution of 2 km, and sensor/algorithm resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees.

References: OMTO3e README; DOI: 10.5067/Aura/OMI/DATA3002