The Sea Surface Temperature (L4) layer is a Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) global Level 4 sea surface temperature analysis produced daily on a 0.25 degree grid at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. This product uses optimal interpolation (OI) by interpolating and extrapolating SST observations from different sources, resulting in a smoothed complete field. The sources of data are satellite (AVHRR) and in situ platforms (i.e., ships and buoys), and the specific datasets employed may change. At the marginal ice zone, sea ice concentrations are used to generate proxy SSTs. Note that this is the AVHRR-ONLY (AVHRR-OI), available from September 1, 1981, but there is a companion SST product that includes microwave satellite data, available from June 2002.
References: GHRSST Level 4 AVHRR_OI Global Blended Sea Surface Temperature Analysis (GDS version 2) from NCEI