Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Night, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Mid-IR, 4km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 4km layer shows global nighttime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Mid-Infrared (Short–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 22 and 23 at 3.959 and 4.050 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 4.63 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Daily 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR 8-Day 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Monthly 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Annual 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (annually)

Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Night, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Mid-IR, 9km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 9km layer shows global nighttime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Mid-Infrared (Short–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 22 and 23 at 3.959 and 4.050 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 9 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Daily 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR 8-Day 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Monthly 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Mid-IR Annual 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (annually)

Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Day, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Thermal, 4km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 4km layer shows global daytime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Thermal (Long–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 31 and 32 at 11 and 12 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 4.63 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Daily 4km Daytime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal 8-Day 4km Daytime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Monthly 4km Daytime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Annual 4km Daytime v2014.0 (annually)

Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Night, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Thermal, 4km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 4km layer shows global nighttime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Thermal (Long–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 31 and 32 at 11 and 12 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 4.63 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Daily 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal 8-Day 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Monthly 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Annual 4km Nighttime v2014.0 (annually)

Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Day, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Thermal, 9km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 9km layer shows global daytime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Thermal-Infrared (Long–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 31 and 32 at 11 and 12 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 9 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Daily 9km Daytime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal 8-Day 9km Daytime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Monthly 9km Daytime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Annual 9km Daytime v2014.0 (annually)

Sea Surface Temperature (L3, Night, Daily | 8-Day | Monthly | Annual, Thermal, 9km)

Temporal coverage: 26 February 2000 - present

The MODIS L3 SST 9km layer shows global nighttime sea surface temperature (SST) at a depth of a few micrometers with ranges from -1.8 to 32 degree Celsius. The SST is derived with a Thermal-Infrared (Long–Wave) SST Algorithm that uses MODIS bands 31 and 32 at 11 and 12 μm. This Level 3 product is derived from native 1 km Level 2 SST observations that are mapped to a global 9 km grid. The temporal resolution of MODIS L3 SST is daily, 8-Day, monthly, and annually. More information and access to the data sources is available at these locations: MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Daily 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (daily); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal 8-Day 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (8-Day); MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Monthly 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (monthly); and MODIS Terra Level 3 SST Thermal Annual 9km Nighttime v2014.0 (annually)

References: Details of the algorithm can be found at Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) website.

P. J. Minnett et al., "Sea-surface temperature measurements from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on Aqua and Terra," IGARSS 2004. 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Anchorage, AK, 2004, pp. 4576-4579 vol.7. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2004.1370173.