MODIS (Terra/Aqua) Ice Surface Temperature (Day | Night)

Temporal Coverage: 24 February 2000 - present (Terra); 3 July 2002 - present (Aqua)

The MODIS Sea Ice Surface Temperature layer shows the surface temperature of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice estimated using the thermal emissive bands in the MODIS instrument. The Ice surface temperature is estimated for the cloud free ocean pixels only. Ice Surface Temperature (IST) controls snow metamorphosis and melt, the rate of sea ice growth, and air–sea heat exchange and is an important parameter in large-scale modeling.

The MODIS Ice Surface Temperature product is available from both the Terra (MOD29) and Aqua (MYD29) satellites. The sensor and imagery resolution is 1km, and the temporal resolution is daily.

References: NSIDC – MOD29; NSIDC – MYD29

MODIS (Terra/Aqua) Ice Surface Temperature (Level 3, Daily, Day | Night)

Temporal Coverage: 24 February 2000 - present (Terra); 3 July 2002 - present (Aqua)