MODIS Blue Marble (August 2004)

The MODIS Blue Marble, Next Generation layer is a cloud free, true color composite of MODIS imagery from August 2004.

The MODIS Blue Marble is a static product. It was created with data from the MODIS instrument on board the Terra satellite. The image resolution is 500 m. It can be viewed in Worldview/Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). Images for January – December 2004 can be downloaded from NASA’s Visible Earth.

MODIS Blue Marble (August 2004, Shaded Relief)

The MODIS Blue Marble, Next Generation layer with Shaded Relief is a cloud free, true color composite of MODIS imagery from August 2004 including shaded relief.

The MODIS Blue Marble is a static product. It was created with data from the MODIS instrument on board the Terra satellite. The image resolution is 500 m. It can be viewed in Worldview/Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). Images for January – December 2004 can be downloaded from NASA’s Visible Earth.

MODIS Blue Marble (August 2004, Shaded Relief and Bathymetry)

The MODIS Blue Marble, Next Generation layer with Shaded Relief and Bathymetry is a cloud free, true color composite of MODIS imagery from August 2004 including shaded relief and bathymetry in the water bodies.

The MODIS Blue Marble is a static product. It was created with data from the MODIS instrument on board the Terra satellite. The image resolution is 500 m. It can be viewed in Worldview/Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). Images for January – December 2004 can be downloaded from NASA’s Visible Earth.

References: NASA Earth Observatory - Blue Marble; NASA Earth Observations - Blue Marble