Cloud Stereo Height (No Wind Correction, < 0.5 km, Monthly)

Temporal Coverage: March 2000 - present (Monthly)

The MISR Cloud Stereo Height product displays the fraction of global cloud stereo heights below 0.5 km calculated from MISR radiances averaged on a monthly basis. MISR stereo cloud heights are geometric calculations of the height of cloud tops based on the angular displacement (parallax) of clouds across the nine angles captured by MISR’s cameras. In this case, the cloud-top heights have not been corrected for true motion due to wind. The fraction of cloud heights between 0 and 0.5 km are reported in this field. Cloud-top heights are useful for the study of weather and climate.

This layer is produced from the Stereo height histogram field of the MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product. It is available globally over land and ocean on a monthly basis, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees latitude by 0.5 degrees longitude. Coverage may be limited where low clouds are rarely observed, over ice, and where daylight is not present (i.e., near the poles).

Cloud Stereo Height (No Wind Correction, < 1.5 – 2.0 km, Monthly)

Temporal Coverage: March 2000 - present (Monthly)

The MISR Cloud Stereo Height product displays the fraction of global cloud stereo heights between 1.5 and 2.0 km calculated from MISR radiances averaged on a monthly basis. MISR stereo cloud heights are geometric calculations of the height of cloud tops based on the angular displacement (parallax) of clouds across the nine angles captured by MISR’s cameras. In this case, the cloud-top heights have not been corrected for true motion due to wind. The fraction of cloud heights between 1.5 and 2.0 km are reported in this field. Cloud-top heights are useful for the study of weather and climate.

This layer is produced from the Stereo height histogram field of the MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product. It is available globally over land and ocean on a monthly basis, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees latitude by 0.5 degrees longitude. Coverage may be limited where high clouds are rarely observed, over ice, and where daylight is not present (i.e., near the poles).

References: MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product